Welcome to North Shore!

March 26, 2017 / Comments Off on Welcome to North Shore!


Hello North Shore Neighbors!

On November 30, 2016, the North Shore neighborhood held our first official homeowner’s association meeting hosted at Werner Park.  At that meeting the members of the association voted in 7 new board members to represent our community. We are issuing this first official letter to the members of North Shore Association. Since that date the HOA board members have been very busy working together to put the basic operating structure of the HOA together.  We do want to apologize for the delay in communication. We were working with Mr LaPuzza, BHI’s lawyer, to send out this notice back in January but it is late due unforeseen delays.

As your HOA board we are committed to keeping you informed about the neighborhood association. As such we created a website at: northshorepapio.org which you will be able to see all the latest board meeting minutes, the financial statements, a calendar of neighborhood events and upcoming meetings, the covenants and an email (hoaboard@northshorepapio.org) to contact your board members with any questions or concerns.

Let’s start at the beginning by first introducing ourselves, during the December board meeting we elected the following positions: Ben Dekarske (President), Colin Iverson (Vice President), Alysha Leach (Secretary), Sam McKelvey (Treasurer), Tony Clark, Dave Toczek, and Gordon Scheet were elected to the board during the November 30 meeting. Many of us are from the Omaha/Papillion area and all have expressed a desire to stay in Papillion and North Shore for the long term with a keen interest ensuring North Shore is a great place to live.  During that December 11th meeting, the board of directors met to discuss the business of setting up the HOA. You can review the complete meeting minutes for that meeting and all of the subsequent meetings on our HOA website. During that initial meeting we decided on term limits for each board member, appointed positions and determined next steps.

Our next set of actions was to track down all the checks which were originally sent to the law firm to pay dues for “the original HOA dues notice”. We have located the checks and Dave personally delivered all the checks to each owner (except 7) so they may destroy them, the board took care of destroying the final 7. It is important to note that no checks were cashed to pay the original dues notice.

Our next major task was to meet with BHI and gather the expense information from 2016 in order to evaluate all the expenses of the neighborhood, obtain new competitive bids for the work. We also posted the minutes from that BHI meeting on our website, in case any members are interested.

During the February 21st board meeting, we made the following decisions: reviewed the financial plan, set the 2017 dues and due date, set the time of the 2017 annual member meeting and decided on a banking provider.

The board is currently working to secure insurance as well for the association. We have obtained competitive bids and voted to proceed with a local Papillion business, Auto Owners Insurance for 2017 coverage. We will reevaluate insurance providers on an annual basis to ensure we have the coverage the HOA needs.  The board will also begin researching Tax accountants to handle the HOA’s tax reporting needs.

Lastly, we want to mention the PLVS school board boundary dispute.  Ben Dekarske, your Board president has made it his personal mission to ensure that our neighborhood voice is heard at the board meetings.  He is and will continue to be the voice of our community at the school board meetings until they make a final decision on the boundary lines.  If you have any comments or questions about the progress please use the HOA board email or post a question in the facebook group.

As we work through these action items and more we will make sure to keep the neighborhood updated on our progress and you are welcome to come attend our next board meeting.

Please continue to engage in the North Shore Facebook Group here is the written link in case you have trouble locating it in Facebook:   (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1764673843763515) or Next Door App (Werner Park Neighborhood). Your board members will be responding to questions using these social media tools along with the email address: hoaboard@northshorepapio.org.